This is a historical archive of BLFC 2022's website. For up to date information, please visit


Events and Panels

This year, we are using Zoho Backstage to provide attendees with a digital version of our event schedule. You can access it by clicking the button below.

Event Schedule

How can I bookmark events in Zoho Backstage?

You must first create an account to be able to bookmark events in Zoho Backstage. Don’t worry, it’s easy and this page will explain how to do it. This account will only be used for this purpose and it will be deleted after the con ends.

  1. Head over to this page and reserve an access ticket (the ticket is free) and enter your info to gain access to our Zoho Backstage site.

  2. Check your inbox for an email from and click the button in the email to log into our Zoho Backstage site.

  3. You’re done! Head to our Schedule and click the bookmark icon next to events that you want to keep track of. Click on My Sessions to view all your bookmarked events.

If you get signed out for whatever reason, go to the Sign In page and use the same email address you used to obtain a ticket. Zoho will send you another email with a button to sign in again.

There is also a Zoho Backstage for Attendees app for Android and iOS. You may find our event in these apps and sign in using those if you find it more convenient than using a browser.

Other schedules

  • Want to know when your favorite DJ plays? Check out our DJ Schedule.
  • Remember to also check out our Pool Party hours, because we have DJs playing there as well.