This is a historical archive of BLFC 2022's website. For up to date information, please visit

Fursuit Festival

Biggest Little Fur Con is excited to be bringing back a lighter version of its Fursuit Festival! Things are a little different this year, so please take a quick read on how the event will work!

When and Where?

The Fursuit Festival will be held in the Main Stage Ballroom on Friday at 6PM, with photoshoots going through 8PM!

Note: The original publishing incorrectly posted a later time. This has been corrected on this page.

What’s different?

This year, we are not doing the large group fursuit photo. So, we can get to all the fun group photoshoots earlier in the event!

There are no planned organized activities in Second Stage this year, but suiters are still welcome to enjoy the fun prop areas, places to sit, and the headless zone to take a break.

We will also not be opening the event to general resort patrons not registered for the event. So please remember to have your badge visible to enter through Second Stage!

Photo Stations

There will be 5 dedicated photo stations for scheduled photoshoots, clearly marked with large signs, all of which will be in the Main Stage area. There will also be plenty of space in Main Stage and lots of fun props in Second Stage, so even if a shoot you are interested in is not on the schedule, you can arrange for one!

Photoshoot Schedule

Our photoshoot schedule will be posted on a large poster near the entrance as well as projected on the screens in the Main Stage Ballroom, as well as announced by the event MC throughout the event.

If you’re on mobile, swipe the table right and left to see the other columns!

Time Booth 1 Booth 2 Booth 3 Booth 4 Booth 5
6:00 PM
Brown & Tan Black & Gray Neon Colors Red White & Peach
6:15 PM
Domestic Dogs Reptiles & Dragons Domestic Cats Hooved Plush Suits
6:30 PM
Self-Made Lemonbrat WaggeryCos Fursuits by Lacy RooFur
6:45 PM
Foxes Wolves Rabbits & Rodents Hybrids Pokémon & Digimon
7:00 PM
Made Fur You One Fur All ByCats4Cats Kilcodo Costumes Crystumes
7:15 PM
Blue Yellow & Orange Purple & Pink Green Rainbow
7:30 PM
Mischief Makers More Fur Less Beastcub Creations Jill Costumes Tunny Says IDK
7:45 PM
Avian Lions & Tigers Raccoons & Red Pandas Mustelids Monsters & Aliens

No Bullying

The Fursuit Festival is meant to be an activity to celebrate everyone’s creativity and expression in the art of fursuiting. Absolutely no tolerance will be given for any acts of bullying, shaming, or disparaging of any individual or group. Any violations of this should be reported to FLARE or Con Ops, and violators will be asked to leave the event.

Contact Us

If you have any additional questions or would like clarification, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Fursuit Events