This is a historical archive of BLFC 2022's website. For up to date information, please visit

Fashion Show

Audition Process

After submitting your entry, our three judges will review and score your outfit based on the photos and videos you sent. Scores will be assessed on the categories indicated below. We recommend you review each category before designing.

We will email you a reply no later than Thursday, June 2nd if your audition is accepted. Please be prepared to model your outfit live and in-person at the BLFC Fashion Show Friday, June 3rd. All contestants will need to meet at 4PM, at Second Stage in the Grand Ballroom. The show starts at 5PM.


Models will be placed into one of three categories: Fullsuit, partial suit, and no suit.

All three categories will accept costumes made from scratch, or piece-meal outfits.


This year’s theme is “no theme” so this is a general fashion show. “Glitch” themes of any variety will also win theme points.

Rules for Submissions


We are all beautiful here. Please remember that your fellow competitors deserve the utmost respect, as well as the judges and staff. Accept your results with grace, and enjoy your time on the catwalk. Remember, your fashion will inspire and awe, no matter how the final results turn out, and we should all be proud of that.

Keep It Clean!

Our audience includes fashionistas of all ages. We ask that all outfits cover your more private parts, and that any expletives be censored in some way. When walking down the runway, please refrain from any vulgar content or gestures, lest you wish to be removed from the limelight and disqualified.

Judging Criteria

Each of our judges come from a different background and with unique personal tastes, which may affect how heavily they weigh your designs in each category. If you think they may miss one of your design’s more unique details, be sure to mention that as one of your fun facts!

After the con, our judges will send you their notes, compliments, and suggested improvements for your entry in this year’s competition. Our judges will be basing their final scores on the following criteria.

Theme Matching

  • How well does your outfit exemplify the theme of the convention?
  • Were any extra details added specifically to showcase BLFC’s theme?


  • Is your outfit inspired by others’ creations, or entirely of your own assortment?
  • Did you make any custom pieces for your entry?
  • Does your outfit stand out in a crowd, or blend into the background?


  • How well does your outfit personify your character’s traits?
  • Were any custom pieces made that add their personality and/or flair to the design?
  • Does your outfit complement your character’s features?


  • Did you pay attention to details? Does your outfit look runway ready or as though it was quickly thrown together?
  • How well does your outfit physically fit your character?

Overall Aesthetic

  • How well does your outfit mesh together?
  • Does your outfit look believable for BLFC’s theme?