This is a historical archive of BLFC 2022's website. For up to date information, please visit

Dealer List

This is the list of dealers you can expect to see at BLFC 2022. This list may change up until the day of the con.

Please refer to our Dealers Den page for sales hours and FAQs. Remember that you’ll need to obtain an entry ticket if you want to get in early on Friday.

Use the filters or the search box below to easily find what you’re looking for. Table numbers indicate where a dealer is located:

  • Table numbers with no letters are standard Dealers Den tables.
  • Table numbers starting with B are located within the Bazaar.
  • Table numbers starting with X are Black Market dealers, a subsection of the Dealers Den limited to 18+ attendees. You must present ID at the entrance.

If you are a vendor on this list, you can update the information displayed here by editing your application.

Map of the Dealers Den, Bazaar, and Black Market, with tables and booths numbered. Tap or click map for full image

Dealer Description Location Table Product Types Other Items Website