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BLFC has made accommodations for those who have impairments to make lines and events more accessible. This page details the measures we have taken to make the con as enjoyable and accessible as possible for you.

For hotel related issues such as checking in, restaurant/bar service, etc. flag down a GSR staff member and they will be able to assist you.

Accessibility for mobility impaired

  • Elevators
    • Spa level: We manage elevator queues on the spa level. People with mobile impairments can skip to the front of the line.
    • Casino level: Accessibility is subject to hotel policy. GSR staff members can assist you.
    • To get between only Spa level and Casino level: There’s a small “bonus” elevator that runs between the movie theater and the bowling center. This elevator is rarely used and is a great alternative when the main elevators are busy.
  • Registration
    • We will give out line-skip passes upon request.
  • Events
    • Large audiences: Mobility-impaired individuals can skip to the front of the line, and usually have reserved seating near the front of the audience.

Accessibility for hearing impaired

We hire ASL interpreters (if available) for major events like opening and closing ceremonies. For other events, we can hire ASL interpreters on request. Check “I would like to request ASL interpreters” in registration; you will be given a copy of the schedule when it’s ready so you can tell us which events you’d like interpreters at. We will make every effort to hire them for the events you’ve requested, subject to availability of interpreters.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to suggest or request additional accommodations, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Us